L'agence de presse des minorités

Souad Razzouk (PS) : « La réglementation sur la burqa est carnavalesque »

with 15 comments

Députée FDF (MR) élue en 2004, Souad Razzouk est aujourd'hui 28 candidate effective pour le PS

Députée FDF (MR) élue en 2004, Souad Razzouk est aujourd'hui la 28e candidate effective sur la liste du Parti Socialiste

« Le règlement de police n’est pas vraiment très clair à propos du port de la burqa à Bruxelles. On peut y lire ‘qu’il est interdit de dissimuler le visage ou de se trouver déguisé, grimé ou travesti sur la voie publique ou dans les lieux accessibles aux public, sauf autorisation le port du masque est interdit. D’abord, la burqa n’est pas un masque mais un habit traditionnel porté en Afghanistan et ensuite, le texte laisse croire qu’il suffit de demander une autorisation pour pouvoir porter la burqa« , explique Souad Razzouk (PS, ex-FDF) qui a introduit une interpellation à ce sujet au Conseil communal de Bruxelles-Ville. L’information a été relatée par l’hebdo flamand Brussel Deze Week (03/04/09).

« Je pense qu’il faut revoir l’article du règlement de police à propos de la burqa car l’interdiction n’est pas appliquée de la même manière dans les 19 communes de Bruxelles. Les fonctionnaires chargés de l’application des sanctions administratives dans les communes de Watermael-Boitsfort, Uccle, Woluwé-Saint-Pierre et Forest ont explicitement déclaré que le port de la burqa ne pouvait tomber sur le coup de l’article sur le déguisement. Faut-il en déduire que la burqa est tolérée dans ces 4 communes ? Le message est donc ambigu, il faut une clarification juridique. Il convient d’harmoniser les choses à l’ensemble des 19 communes bruxelloises et dire clairement que chez nous, en Europe, il est important qu’on puisse reconnaître les personnes. C’est une question de sécurité publique telle que stipulée par l’article 9 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’Homme. Il me semble que si peu de Bruxellois sont concernés, des touristes venant de pays différents où la burqa est tolérée (ou même traditionelle) se trouvent confrontés à l’incompréhension et la non connaissance de notre règlement. Doivent-ils dès lors demander préalablement à leurs séjours une autorisation de porter le masque ?« , s’interroge la députée socialiste.

Réagissant à l’interpellation, Freddy Thielemans, le bourgmestre socialiste de la Ville de Bruxelles, ne partage pas l’avis de sa colistière. « Le seul qui m’a demandé des informations à propos de cette interdiction de burqa est l’ambassadeur du Qatar. Si je vais au Qatar, je suis obligé de respecter les lois du Qatar, si les gens du Qatar viennent chez nous, ils doivent respecter nos lois« , a précisé Freddy Thielemans.

Se définissant comme une « musulmane, ce qui veut dire littéralement “soumise à Dieu”, réformatrice, croyante, non pratiquante. De confession islamiste avec un fort penchant pour l’émancipation de la femme« , Souad Razzouk n’a pas vraiment tort sur le plan juridique.

Lil' Kim, rappeuse antimachiste américaine, avait créé une polémique en posant en burqa pour One World Magazine

Lil' Kim, rappeuse antimachiste américaine, avait créé une polémique en posant "en burqa" pour One World Magazine

D’après les règlements de police actuellement en vigueur en région bruxelloise, le port de la burqa est toléré pendant la période du carnaval et n’est pas sanctionné de la même manière dans les 19 communes. En dehors du carnaval, il est également possible d’introduire une demande d’autorisation à manifester en burqa auprès des autorités communales. Une circulaire fédérale datant du 02/02/93 précise cependant que toute personne doit être toujours reconnaissable en public. En mai 2008, une étude de Brussels Studies avait révélé que 33 procès-verbaux avaient été dressés en région bruxelloise pour port illégal de la burqa. Le député MR, François-Xavier De Donnéa, avait introduit le 21/02/05 une proposition de loi « en vue d’interdire à toute personne de circuler sur la voie publique et/ou dans les lieux publics le visage masqué, déguisé ou dissimulé » mais sa proposition n’a pas recueilli la majorité au Parlement fédéral.

« Le bon critère doit être de pouvoir reconnaître une personne sur la voie publique car il m’est déjà arrivé de voir à Molenbeek ou ailleurs des femmes qui ne portaient pas la burqa mais qui étaient totalement couvertes à l’exception des yeux. Elles portaient un tout petit foulard qui masquaient les lèvres. Cela fait peur à voir car on n’est même pas sûr qu’il s’agit bien de femmes« , conclut Souad Razzouk.

Par ailleurs, en exclusivité sur Parlemento, voici la liste complète des candidats PS pour les élections régionales du 7 juin 2009.

1 Charles PICQUE 24 Anne BROTCHE 47 Mounir LAARISSI 70 Ahmed El Ktibi Mohamed OURIAGHLI
2 Françoise DUPUIS 25 Mohammed AZZOUZI 48 Isabelle FONTAINE 71 Karine LALIEUX
3 Emir KIR 26 Chantal DE SAEGER 49 Jean SPINETTE 72 Freddy THIELEMANS
4 Caroline DESIR 27 Henri Simons Ahmed EL KTIBI 50 Martine BARBE
6 Eric TOMAS 29 Emin OZKARA 52 Ariane HERMAN Suppléants
8 Mohammed DAIF 31 Carlo LUYCKX 54 Myriem AMRANI 2 Anne-Sylvie MOUZON
9 Michèle CARTHE 32 Anne SWAELENS 55 Ibrahim DONMEZ 3 Olivia P’TITO
10 Sfia BOUARFA 33 Michel MOOCK 56 Anastasia PAPADOPOULOS 4 Mohammadi CHAHID
11 Philippe CLOSE 34 Bernadette GENNOTTE 57 Ahmed OUARTASSI 5 Catherine MOUREAUX
12 Julie FISZMAN 35 Abdallah BOUSTANI 58 Anne-Françoise MARTENS 6 Christian MAGERUS
13 Rachid MADRANE 36 Pascale SCHEERS 59 Amet GJANAJ 7 Karim CHETIOUI
14 Isabelle EMMERY 37 Yonnec POLET 60 Catherine WERTS 8 Aline KAHN
16 Véronique JAMOULLE 39 Gérald MOEREMANS 62 Paulette PICQUARD 10 France MARAGE
17 Grégor CHAPELLE 40 Laetitia KALIMBIRIRO NSIMIRE 63 Abobakre BOUJHAR 11 Sevket TEMIZ
18 Cathy MARCUS 41 Guy WILMART Fabrizio BUCELLA 64 Clara QUARESMINI 12 Henri SIMONS Sonia LHOEST
19 Jamal IKAZBAN 42 Yasmina NEKHOUL 65 Mado MFUNI LUKANDA 13 Christine ROUFFIN
20 Fatiha SAIDI 43 Mohammed ERRAZI 66 Thierrey VAN CAMPENHOUT 14 Josette DUCHAINE
21 Jean-Pierre VAN GORP 44 Florence LEPOIVRE 67 Talbia BELHOUARI 15 Henri SIMONS
22 Nadia EL YOUSFI 45 Mohammed LAHLALI 68 Julien UYTTENDAELE 16 Alain LEDUC

Written by Mehmet Koksal

07/04/2009 à 3:37

Publié dans Elections

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15 Réponses

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  1. Le PS n’est pas à contradiction près, je rappelle qu’à Schaerbeek, la ministre de la Justice, L. Onkelinx n’avait pas hésité à afficher, sur la liste électorale qu’elle mena, un représentant du parti turc d’extrème droite, pour ne pas dire fasciste!!!


    07/04/2009 at 8:30

  2. Pour tordre sans doute n’a-t-elle pas tord.
    Pour peut être avoir raison, elle ne devrait pas avoir tout à fait tort…


    07/04/2009 at 9:07

  3. J’avais tort parce que je m’endors, j’ai corrigé et j’en suis pas mort. Merci !

    Mehmet Koksal

    07/04/2009 at 9:16

  4. Faudrait peut être vous intéresser à des Politiques qui ne vous « endorment » pas alors ! La spécialiste de la danse des 7 voiles semble s’en tirer sans égratignures !!!
    Je vous ai lu plus incisif cher chroniqueur ;-)


    08/04/2009 at 8:08

  5. Souad, tu ne peux être à la fois non pratiquante, et soumise à Dieu.
    Dis nous exactement ce que tu pratiques? Ca m’intéresse……….


    28/04/2009 at 7:05

  6. Il est utile de rappeler les principes républicains :

    8 BRUMAIRE an 2 (29 octobre 1793)
    Décret relatif aux vêtemens des personnes des deux sexes (L. 16, 346 ; B. 36, 83.)

    Art. 1er. Nulle personne de l’un et de l’autre sexe ne pourra contraindre aucun citoyen ni citoyenne à se vêtir d’une manière particulière sous peine d être considérée et traitée comme suspecte et poursuivie comme perturbateur du repos public. Chacun est libre de porter tel vêtement et ajustement de son sexe que bon lui semble.

    Art. 2. La Convention nationale n’entend point déroger aux précédens décrets rendus sur le fait de la cocarde nationale, sur le costume des prêtres et sur les travestissemens ainsi qu’à tous autres décrets relatifs au même objet.

    Art. 3. Le présent décret sera inséré dans le Bulletin du 9 brumaire.

    Source : Collection complète des lois, décrets, ordonnances, règlemens avis du Conseil d’état

    Monde en Question

    27/06/2009 at 6:49

  7. A quoi sert ce site , j’ai envoyé mon avis ainsi qu’une réponse à « monde en question » et vous m’avez tout simplement effacé ! C’est ça votre conception de la liberté d’expression ? ou une certaine vérité vous déranges!! Vous êtes bien des socialistes , on reconnait de suite votre griffe …..

    jean pierre demol

    06/07/2009 at 8:03

  8. deuxième tentative de réponse à « monde en question ».
    D’abord nous sommes en 2009 et non en 1793. Ensuite , vous faites référence à des principes républicains qui
    non pas de raisons d’être ici . Ensuite encore ,il y a une différence entre la liberté de porter un vêtement et de se cacher une partie du visage en signe de soumission à une religion , nos lois autorisent à se cacher le visage uniquement au carnaval et si ces gens obéissent à leurs lois , ils doivent aussi obéir à celles du pays qui les accueilles .
    Vive le roi , à bas la république !

    jean pierre demol

    07/07/2009 at 1:30

  9. au dictionnaire:
    MASQUE1, subst. masc.
    b) Pièce d’étoffe recouvrant la totalité ou la partie supérieure du visage que l’on porte pour se dissimuler.

    Donc la burga est un masque et entre bien dans la cardre du réglement de police.


    11/12/2009 at 1:56

  10. quand on vient dans un pays européen,la moindre des choses,c’est d’adopter les moeurs de ce pays.tolérerait-t-on qu’un Papou déambule tout nu dans les rues d’une ville française? Si des femmes veulent porter la burqa qu’elles retournent ou aillent(pour les converties)dans les pays où la burqa est courante.L »Europe doit conserver son aspect et ses traditions !

    Henri Roques

    17/12/2009 at 5:09

  11. La moindre des choses quand on vient dans un pays des Amériques (d’Afrique ou d’Asie) est d’adopter les mœurs de ce pays…
    Or les colonisateurs ont imposé leurs mœurs par la force.
    «Les naturels [Haïti] sont propres ç être commandés et à ce qu’on les fasse travailler, semer et mener tous autres travaux qui seraient nécessaires [esclavage], à ce qu’on leur enseigne à aller vêtus et à prendre nos coutumes».
    Christophe Colomb, La découverte de l’Amérique, La Découverte, 1979-2006.

    Monde en Question

    17/12/2009 at 5:26

  12. @Monde en Question

    Ca me fait bien rigoler les gens comme toi qui retournent 400 ans en arriere…


    25/01/2010 at 6:23

  13. Rigolez bien aussi de votre erreur de calcul : 2010 – 1492 = 518 ans et non 400 ans…

    Monde en Question

    26/01/2010 at 7:28

  14. The
    hypocrisy and feminist manipulation in the society

    philosophical thesis)

    Currently, we took knowledge of the feminist deputies in the
    European parliament that want to manipulate the merit and equality against men,
    especially whit the Sweden
    feminist presidency of Europe and many influences in the council of Europe .

    is intellectual manipulation and violence form the feminist deputies
    that want to put women in power, just because they are women, even without
    having the status, merit, knowledge’s, social status, impartiality of gender
    ideologies specially feminist (that the majority of women in not), economic and
    scientific status and Further factors of psychological profile and intellectual
    and ethic profile .

    If feminist in politics and society always assault men to coerce
    their rights and liberties, merits and power, and always try to put women
    superior to men, discriminating them positively without give and be humanist
    and give the same rights for equality and positive discrimination for men,
    specially in those issues that men is losing and affect.

    Currently, men cannot live whit women, cannot establish
    relationships and it would increase the feminist hypocrisy whit the time, if is
    not blamed, arrested, accused those criminal feminist that manipulates traffic
    of influences, discrimination against men and positive discrimination to women.

    They are going against the constitutionality, human right and
    humanism, and also against the nature and naturals laws of evolutionism.

    Please block and lawsuit those feminist, coerce the political
    access, even if they are not radicals, androphobic’s, psychotics, obsessive
    lesbians that usually are radical feminists.

    The feminism demands justice and equality but is just for women not
    for men, when men is victim or accused is not under the same treatment and law
    as a female, because feminism is hypocrisy and puts in reality equality as
    superiority and justice as exclusive for women but not for men, when for men
    they are less defended and victims as women.

    The feminist crimes or considered but feminist stereotypes as
    mainstreaming against men, to make serious the crimes and discriminate them to
    benefit women but discriminate negatively men, exploiting men juridical and
    hypocritally and coercing men of the same rights to benefit. As you can see,
    many feminists crimes are consider and judge as a homicide or more than
    mutilation, that is unfair and instigating to make worst crimes as multiple
    homicides as terrorism and mutilations specially to coerce the expression and
    sensitivity organs.

    Men is constantly discriminated in health, specially is it is
    illness that is by mainstreaming or exclusively against men, justice and family
    justice, politics, aesthetics and well-being, dressing and dress freedom,
    liberty of opinion against feminism and philosophical arguments, without
    mention that they are conformist to feminism and manipulated by them that they
    don’t even find the true arguments to defend themselves.

    As for example many thing are devised and created by men, those
    thing have many commanding and as sex dignity should be men commanding
    otherwise if it is not men should have the same treatment to control the things
    that are controlled by women, women in nature had a traditional and biological
    sexually determinants to the pregnancy and child care, however men is stilling
    discriminated, nowadays to have the children when divorce or others rights as
    traditionally were for women, so for women have all the rights but not for men,
    meanwhile you should se that is difficult to have all the things, or is one
    things or another, but not for women and feminism.

    Whit the intellectualization of women they become selfish, envies,
    to have the work, position and many men’s stuffs in society, specially the best
    ones, however the civil construction work they don’t want to do it and let that
    for men, reason that many men become sick, don’t develop their brain, become
    criminally, toxically dependents even by alcohol and tobacco, become stressed,
    psychotics and whit bad nutrition.

    Whit the women feminist discrimination against men as by negligence
    and ignorance especially in health men become sick and whit the illness will
    behave criminally or whit indignity, even the justice if it is corrupted for
    feminism it would be better make justice by themselves and kill the female
    enemies that are screwing their lives. The ideology is the follow or is me or
    you, who die.

    The men and women should live together as by nature but whit the
    artificialism even toxics that affects the sexual hormones , neurological
    systems as brains and many systems because to live better all the body systems
    should be better to live in harmony whit behave stability and whit that
    establish rational and balanced relationships whit women.

    Many feminist men are incoherent whit themselves and their rights
    and they are making their death sentence even if they are ruining the rights of
    many men until arrive them but however they are protected by the feminist main
    female actors.

    The feminism is manipulating and coercing the state of right,
    coercing fundamental rights from men, coercing the principle of contradictory,
    ideological-sexual impartially, sexual ethic whit other opposing sex, coercing
    the philosophical principles of dialogue and opposing philosophies against the
    feminism, coercing the liberty and right of conscience and opposition and
    resistance against the feminism.

    Even in court and political parliament men is coerced and
    manipulated by feminist jurists that are hypocrite to the state of right of
    equal and unisexual and humanist justice.

    It probably will arrive a time that men to have rights, freedom,
    warranties and privileges would have to change their sex, because feminism is
    pretty much worst in reality by medium and long time than machismo, that is
    naturalist, simples and privileges women in many stuff as privileges men in

    Men subjected by the intellectual and psychological violence form
    feminism and women in the discrimination, female victimization and hypocrisy,
    female demagogy, united nations hypocrisy and feminism, political feminist
    organizations, feminist right organizations, non-governmental organizations
    that affect and manipulate women and men to become feminist and discriminate
    their selves as men as weaker , inferior, evils and illness, even many those
    effects are causing directly or directly by the feminist and their side

    The feminism is wining in the society because is very Intelligent,
    organized and whit many effort from many women that wants to manipulate the
    world and powerless men and coercing their rights and merit. Machismo never had
    been teacher in faculties and never had been intellectualized and justified
    their ideologies and easy natural ways to establish relationship whit the
    nature, men and women.

    The nature is machismo and the world should follow as well, even if
    it is not 100% machismo and is balanced in some ways, becoming humanist too,
    however feminist wants to manipulate the nature whit the science as they make
    to treat some disadvantages of women, but they don’t allow for the disadvantages
    of men to make as well, in conclusion if the nature is manipulated so the men
    are, and should be even better men become homosexuals to don’t be exploited and
    abused by the feminist and by women, directly and directly, you can see a live
    between homosexuals are easier and less serious than between a heterosexual
    natural couple, nowadays…

    Even the transsexuals, they are one direct or indirect cause of the
    feminism as underestimation of men, including masculinity and effect of
    hormonal disrupters (phthalates, biphenols and many unknown substances, yet,
    but however, fortunately it affects women as well even if not so much or not
    well known, when well studies their affect they feminist scientist and
    organizations would start to coerce those substances juridically by their
    influences in the 3 powers of the society and men will benefit from that, too),
    overflow of female hormones and toxic hormones and substances in men, pollution
    and illness against men.

    You can see many men screwed in the feminist countries, many of them
    are dead, many of them are in arrested, many of them left the country, many of
    them are homosexuals, many of the become illness including psychiatric, many of
    them change the sex, many of them don’t make sex and don’t live whit a women
    because is difficult and mostly the consequences and fake accusations and money
    lost that they can suffer, so feminism is putting the relation whit women
    difficult and dangerous for men, even if they have to commit crimes in self
    defense or personal justice against bad women that become evils form love or
    another sentimental relationship.

    They say in popular common sense, but that we can rectified to god
    sense, that a man when deals whit a bad women (usually used popular as bitch)
    or he died or he’s arrest. To complete in majority of the cases it is like
    that, when you don’t know the ideological, ethics, rationality, behavior and
    psychological stability and good influences from women that you deal or live.

    So better alone and whit masturbation that whit women, you have
    probably much negative consequences whit them specially in feminist countries
    under the feminist law that it is manipulated by the international
    organizations from human rights, that are hypocrite whit men and discriminated
    negatively or by negligence men.

    The friend can become enemy, love can become hate, as the positive
    extremely sense of live and nature, when don’t have a stable and balanced
    relationship and limited confront in bad times that could help to negotiate and
    establish the relationship.

    For feminist and many women, man is not a human being and is worst
    than that, so they discriminate or they don’t treat well them as a women or

    You can see the andropauses, the males illness (prostate cancer,
    epididime and testicle cancer, too) and homologate illness is not done,
    studies, treated in man, that is sadist and coerced to the mediatisation by the
    feminist journalist and politicians. That we can compare whit the menopause and
    development in the breast cancer and uterus.

    The sensiblisation of international, national feminists days are
    psychological violence against men, manipulation of Society and intellectual
    violence, too, all because there are many feminist in the united nations
    feminist sections and international organizations, that are protected by men
    and those men are being used by feminism as always, including in the Muslims

    Even the weaker catholic church in being used by feminist against
    the humanist that Jesus Christ try to stimulate whit all human beings, using catholic
    organizations, universities and many catholic influences, even if it is used
    demagogic arguments, deductive, fallacious and sophist arguments to manipulate
    them, as the feminist are getting successful.

    It probably that would have to arrive a time that we would have to
    give owner live to fight in courts or in war fields against feminist and many
    feminist women that want sadistlly destroy and controlled men but don’t want
    the reciprocity acts, as they make those violence against children, too, but are
    not charged criminally of that and they don’t tell the truth or justified but
    coerce justification for men when men acts in same way.

    It seems that there is no men, yet, that have the sensitivity
    juridical philosophy to argue against the feminists thesis in media, politics
    and organizations, probably because they are afraid to become victims or
    revenge form women and feminists, that coerce his freedom and rights, even
    liberty or objection of conscience.

    The feminist suffer progress because many women that had be mothers
    exploited and manipulate their males sons, that those sons were in power
    positions that let them vote and gains more powers (see in the US women’s votes
    history how started), so those mothers they used the female sexual determinism
    to exploit men that are there sons, even if those females know that they are
    destroying the rights from their males sons directly or indirectly and

    Men are exploited sexually by his sexual determinism and affective
    determinism that could be reproductive or maternally. Many women that were
    domestics treating the children took vantage of that to manipulate them when
    adults to defend them are their lobbies, even if they say complaining
    demagogically that were discriminated because had children to take care and
    could not work, that’s hypocrisy and is selfish because we cannot have all, you
    have to chose and make your option one or another not both, but for women is
    all, actually, specially in feminists countries that is increasing up to 80% in
    this world specially in richest countries, that the males AND MANY MALES
    foreigners are exploited in civil construction died in civil construction and
    many dangerous works including army, as US, Canada, UK, France, Spain, Belgium,
    Germany, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland (rich country whit the
    gold from the Jews and fiscal paradises, etc), Italy, Ireland and many more.

    If you have the power and conditions for that, join us creating
    international organizations of andro-humanist rights, write books in several
    languages that you can used this ideas written here, create the international
    association of jurist men males rights, integrate the international organizations
    as the united nations council of human rights to confront the feminist
    organizations and defend men’s rights, create a male international associations
    network and males solidarity, create a country only for men, whit university,
    schools, laboratories, courts and men rights organizations, make lawsuits
    against unfair law in the national (supreme court and constitutional court),
    European (human rights European court and or European communities courts) and
    international courts (many that belongs to the hypocrite United Nations that is
    controlled by the Anglo-Saxony countries)
    if this last ones have jurisdiction, to be invalid the application of
    the law or rectified.

    Best regards.

    Thank you.




    30/04/2010 at 12:09

  15. je réponds au justicier masqué en prenant la défense de Souad Razzouk, je lui conseille de ne pas sortir du domaine politique ni par ses intentions ni par ses pensées et laissé tout être sur terre à ses propres convictions religieuses même quand elle ne sont pas à la convenance des autres.
    Car il y’a là signe de rupture avec la démocratie et la laïcité en vigueur dans ce pays


    26/03/2012 at 9:45

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